A Better/Best Ball tournament involves teams of 2, 3, or 4 golfers and can be played as match or stroke play. Each team member plays their own ball throughout the round. After each hole, the lowest score from each team member is the score for that team on the hole.
Stroke play is an 18 hole cumulative score competition where the golfer with the best overall score after 18 holes wins. In stroke play you are going up against the course and trying to out play your fellow competitors. This can be done as either Gross or Net results.
Match play is a hole-by-hole competition where the golfer who makes the best score on the individual hole wins that hole. The player who wins the most holes throughout the match is the winner. In match play you are going up against your opponent in head to head competition.
Chapman, or Pinehurst, System is a tournament format involving 2-person teams. Chapman merges the styles of several formats into one. To start, each team member takes a tee shot, then teammates switch balls and play each other’s drives. The team then selects the best of their second shots and plays from that spot, the player whose shot wasn’t selected must play the third shot; this means teams may choose their best ball based on who’ll hit the next shot. After the third shot the team alternates shots until the ball is holed.
Rather than counting the total number of strokes taken as in typical stroke play golf, a TMT Modified Stableford involves scoring points based on the number of strokes taken at each hole. Good play earns points and poor play takes away points. Unlike traditional scoring methods, where the aim is to have the lowest score, the objective in a TMT Modified Stableford is to have the highest score.
Before play begins, assign a number from one to four to each member of your 4-person team. At each tee, all four members tee off, then the 6-sided die is thrown or rolled. Check the number that comes up on the die. If it is a 1, 2, 3 or 4, then the drive of the team member whose number matches must be used on that hole.
Step 1 – All 4 members tee off. Select the best shot from the group.
Step 2 – All 4 members hit from this spot. Once all 4 hit, select your 50-50 pairs from the shots. 2 people will play out the hole as a scramble for the first half of the team score. The other 2 will play out the hole using their own second shot, with the Best Ball (low score of the 2 people) being the second half of the team score. The 2 scores combine then for a single hole score for the team.
A 2-person event in which the first 6 holes are played with the Best/Better Ball format, the second 6 holes are played with a Chapman/Pinehurst format, and the final 6 holes are played as a scramble
Callaway Handicapping is a method used to “handicap those without an existing handicap”. This is an individual play scoring system that would allow everyone to play their own ball and be responsible for how well they do or do not play.
Playing handicaps are computed using a deduction chart that is applied to the players’ scores for the first 15 holes played.